Clinical performance of articulating paper during hyper-occlusion detection on implant supported prothesis: Does it always meet the dentist expectations?Detecting the hyper occlusion of a freshly placed restoration may seem as one of the simplest tasks to be done, yet it plays a very important role in the prognosis and longevity of our restoration. This step becomes even more crucial in implant supported restorations due to the absence of PDL, thus absence of vertical and lateral movement of the implant fixture. Therefore, any harmful hyperocclusion on implant will lead to bone ischemia and eventually bone loss.
One of the most frequent traps that a dentist might fall into when checking occlusion is the detection of shear forces especially while restoring anterior teeth. These shear forces may cause screw loosening, screw fracture, implant fracture or in the best-case scenario excessive tooth wear of the antagonist. For this reason it is importat to use appropriate tools such as very thin articulating paper that will help us to shape correctly the incisal path that is highly correlated with the condylar path in-order to avoid TMJ problems in the future.
The objective of this webinar is to give insight about the importance of precise occlusion check and the tools available for this purpose. Articulating paper as thin as 4.5μ designed in this specific thickness for implant supported restorations is now available – a must to avoid all of the above-mentioned complications.
Release date: 2022-05-30 | Expiration date: 2025-05-30
If you have questions regarding this webinar, please contact us.
Thank you
thank you so much
Thank you very much. Very informative
Thank you
Thank you!
Many occlusal defects go un recognized in daily practice by the doctor and the patient may not even know about the underlying issue. What’s your suggestion from your experience for the doctors.
What is the best way in your opinion to solve the clenching habit in these patients ?
Thank you very much. Very informative
Which brand of articulation paper do you prefer.
1) Do you prescribe any medications to treat TMD? 2) If you find that patient has TMD, do you hold back from placing crown on the implant and treat TMD first or both concurrently?
whenever you get a restoration whether it is an implant restoration or not you use the 4,5 microns paper and the 4d scanner to make sure no hyper occlusion exist?
what thickens articulating paper you recommend for restorations and for prosthesis
Have you see the Kube Innovation InnoByte Bite force technology?
What is your preferred use of articulating paper thickness in prosthesis over natural teeth? is it 4.5 microns as well?
Which brand articulating paper is accurate ? Which one would you advice ?
Would the adjustment be completed with the dentist who place the crown or with the dentist who placed the implant?
Thank you very much. Very informative.
In what way did modjaw help you know where the problem was during patient occluson analysis in TMJ patients?
Due to the hyper occlusion there in maxillary molar there is a recession in the palatal surface. Can we relate?
Perfect implant and restoration.
Agradecido por su seminario.
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! If you have any questions for Dr. Dani Irani please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.